Spring is in the air. You may have a green thumb, or your thumb may be the color furthest from green. Either way, gardening is a great way to brighten up your yard. Whether you are looking to fill your yard with blooming flowers or to spruce up your salads this summer with fresh veggies and berries, here are 10 great apps that contain an array of gardening tips, advice, and tricks that will help you have a garden that is the envy of your neighborhood.
10. How to Garden: Become a Gardener - Full of instructional videos, tips, and interesting information for the beginning and experienced gardener. This app is a nice place to start to get an overview on good gardening technique before you jump into specialized gardening like growing your own vegetables or growing organic.
9. Start a Garden - This is a nice app for the beginning gardener. The app offers tips and advice on when to plant and how to keep your plants healthy. Features ways to share your progress and chat with other gardeners. Offers information for vegetable gardening, flowers, and herbs.
8. The Dirt on Organic Gardening - Based on the magazine of the same name, this app provides access to urban and suburban organic gardening to help you fill your dinner plate with fresh organic veggies from your yard. The app is free, but you'll need to pay by the issue or subscribe for monthly delivery to see new issues.
7. Bugs in the Garden - Ever wonder what that little white bug on your plant's leaves is and if it is harmful? This app is your guide to identifying those bugs and understanding if they are helpful or hurtful to your plants.
6. When to Plant - For more experienced gardeners, this app is a great resource on when to start planting based on the current seasonal weather patterns and forecast. Provides calculations on the best planting date by crop.
5. Garden Compass Plant/Disease Identifier - This app allows you to take a photo of any plant, pest, or disease in your garden and submit the photo for review to a team of garden experts that will identify the problem and offer solutions. A nice resource for the beginning gardener.
4. Garden Guide - This is a handy reference to over 7,000 different plants, describing the care requirements, watering needs, soil conditions, and other important information.
3. New Sunset Western Garden Book - A garden's bible for those of you living in the Western United States. This great book is now also available as an app, featuring how-to videos, slideshows, and all the great content that is contained in the book.
2. Good Organic Gardening - Another app that allows electronic access to a gardening magazine, requiring subscriptions or individual purchases to access new content. However, this app does provide access to fresh and new ideas for organic gardening to keep you informed and active in your garden.
1. Organic Gardening Planting Planner - This free app provides you with information and advice on when to plant your garden based on weather and frost conditions for your region and the type of plants you are planning to grow. Easy to use and a nice reference for determining when to start your garden in the spring.
More gardening apps: 10 Handy Gardening Apps We Really Dig!