Easy “as Is” Pallet Projects for the Gardener

Pallet projects are quickly gaining in popularity. Who can blame people for salvaging pallet wood for garden projects? Have you seen the cost of lumber lately? Pallets are completely free if you know where to look. If you're going for consistency, you can also buy them for a couple bucks apiece. What if you don't have time to tear down all those pallets? Well, the good news is, you can use them "as is" for many garden projects. Here's a few simple ones to try.

Before you begin, there are a few things you should know about building with pallets. OK, now, about those projects.

Compost bin
Easy “as Is” Pallet Projects for the Gardener
Pallets are the perfect size for the sides of a compost bin. You'll need 4 for a square. The slotted sides of pallets provide good air flow. You may wish to line them with chicken wire, but it's certainly not necessary. All you need is 8 simple hinges, 4 pallets and screws for the hinges. Form an upright square with the pallets. Fasten hinges to the top and bottom of each pallet where they meet at the corners. That's it. You're done. (Takes about 5 minutes with an electric drill for the screws.)
Note: If you'd like a shorter bin, you can easily saw the pallets in half before construction.

Tool organizer
We are doing this in our garage so we can eliminate our old, dilapidated potting shed. Simply fasten pallets to the garage walls, upright, with side openings facing upwards. Tools stand in the pallet, ready for use. Plus, there's no hassle with hooks or tight, tough to use brackets.
Note: Tool handles are inserted into the openings. That way, the rest of the tool is visible. You'll easily see the exact tool you're looking for.

Potted plant drainage booster
Sand and paint your pallet in pretty colors to match your taste and the look of your garden. Some people prefer pastels, while others like brighter colors. Now, simply place the pallet on level ground in the garden area. Use it to keep pots off the ground for better drainage.

  • Potted plants won't root into the ground.
  • Stack several at varying heights for a varied look.
Once again, you'll want to sand and finish your pallet before use. Garden life can be hard on wood. Dig a couple post holes for 2x4 braces where the trellis will sit. Place the 2x4's in the holes, level and cement around them. Then, simply fasten the pallet to the 2x4's in an upright position, with the outward facing slats vertical. Voila! You know have a free, sturdy trellis and a bit of shade for climbing plants!

Making a pallet fence for your garden is so simple! You don't need a permit for a garden fence. Follow the same steps you took for the trellis above, using enough 2x4's and pallets to surround your garden. Leave a space between two of the 2x4's for a gate. The gate is simply another pallet with hinges and a latch.

Note: You will have to be sure the space between each set of 2x4's will accommodate each pallet. Keep in mind that pallets may vary in size. One easy way to do this is to attach the pallets to the 2x4's first, leaving a foot of each 2x4 at the bottom to insert into the post holes. Mark and dig your post holes after the sections are constructed for a perfect fit.