As a Master Gardener I have been trained in Integrated Pest Management
(IPM), which is simply how to get rid of garden pests more than one
way. Sometimes chemical usage is the best option and sometimes organic
means is the best way to go. As a long time home gardener, I lean
towards the organic methods to deal with garden pest problems in my home
garden. If you prefer an organic garden, try these home remedies for
dealing with common garden pest problems.
Woodland Critters Repellent
Rabbits, raccoons, turtles, deer and other small woodland critters
enjoy nibbling on tender, tasty garden plants. Mix up this home remedy
pepper spray that will make the plants less tasty to keep the critters
Place 2 cups of any variety of hot pepper (fresh, dried or
mixed) and 2 cups of water in a blender and blend until smooth. Boil
pepper water for 5 minutes on stove top, then strain through a piece of
cheese cloth to remove pepper seeds. Pour into a spray bottle and add a
few drops of liquid dish detergent. Spray hot pepper mixture on the
lower leaves and stems of garden plants once a week, it won't hurt your
plants but it will repel the woodland critters.
White Flies
You know there's a white fly infestation
when a white cloud appears to be hovering over your garden tomato
plants and/or houseplants. Get rid of the white cloud with this simple
home remedy: Cut 2-inch strips of yellow plastic from a recycled
container (yellow milk jug, anti-freeze or laundry detergent jug) and
coat the strips with any type of cooking oil you have on hand. Place
these home-made 'sticky traps' on and around the plants infested with
white flies. White flies find the color yellow irresistible and with
flock to the strips and become stuck in the oil. Remove sticky traps as
they become full and replace with new ones until all the white flies are
Slugs and Snails
Sap-sucking slugs and
snails will suck the life out of garden plants unless you get rid of
them. Use this easy home remedy and save your plants - Place several
shallow tuna or cat food cans in garden soil so that the rim is slightly
above soil level. Fill the cans with cheap beer. Slugs and snails are
attracted to the yeast in the beer and will crawl in for a drink and
drown. Earwigs (black bugs with pinchers) that invade gardens are also
attracted to the yeast and will drown themselves while quenching their
Place beer-filled, shallow cans on patio or porch to get rid of slugs and snails that are infesting container plants.