Prepare for Your Spring Garden

Prepare for Your Spring Garden
Before you can start your spring garden, you've got a lot of prep work to do. The better you do at prepping your garden areas, the better the end result will be. So get out in the garden before it's time to plant, and get ready for warm spring weather right now.

Clean Up

Remove any debris from your garden areas. Branches, rocks and trash may collect in these areas during winter. Throw out all that stuff, and rake up any remaining leaves left over from last year. Clear out all your drainage ditches while you're at it. Plants need proper drainage, so don't neglect this step.

If you're working with an existing garden, now is the time to repair any damage to fences, posts, trellises or raised flower beds. Replace boards and re-bury stakes as needed. A healthy garden starts with a strong foundation.

Prep the Soil

Rake or till the soil in your garden areas. Soil needs to be loose and well-aerated if you're going to use it for planting. Old mulch can be removed first or worked into the soil. This is the time-consuming part, but also the most important. Garden areas should have rich, dark soil by the time you're done working the ground.

Make sure your garden areas are level. If needed, add more soil to areas with heavy erosion in order to level out the ground. Pull up any weeds you find and throw them away. The garden should be clear, level and ready for planting before you put any new seeds or bulbs in the ground.

Remove any dead stems or foliage from existing shrubbery and plants that are already in place. Get out the pruning shears, if needed, to remove dead areas of evergreens and other landscaping in your outdoor spaces.

Protect Your Work

Lay new mulch on bare spots in your flower and vegetable beds. The new mulch will help prevent the growth of new weeds. Leave at least 2 inches of clearance between mulch the the base of tree trunks and plants.

Once your garden is prepped and ready for spring, you're ready to work on planting. Start seedlings indoors and plant bulbs in the garden in the first weeks of spring. By mid-spring, your seedlings will be ready to transplant and your bulbs should be showing signs of growth. By the time spring is over, your garden will come to life.